Social Security and Welfare most give to the people even more cash. With cash assistant plus Section 8, less racism and more freedom.
All those who against that is because you like to see people being slaves.
It's more easy for people to find jobs when a government in a country give money to those who can't work through no fault of their own.
Less people looking for job, more harder for employer to fire people, and more easy for people to find jobs.
I heard a company said it would not hire people because it's not happy with whatever. So, the company purposely choose not to hire people, but the only reason it feels big to say so it's because it knows people are becoming too desperate for job, so sweatshops or not, they have to go for it.
So wait and see they give cash money and free housing to people who have no jobs, especially to those who cannot find one, and you'll see how it is then for somone to find a job.
Example, back in the 80s and early 90s when Welfare was more vast and unlimited, there were lot jobs because many people who could not find a job go to welfare and became accustom to it, and was no longer looking, so they left more empty place at the employers and many employers were desperate to find people.
Therefore, it was easy to find a job and harder for employer to fire people, but now, with less welfare and lack assistant from the government, employers have become a sweatshops in disguise and the co-called Human Rights and Civil Rights, all these laws are just SO=CALLED and useless because people are too desperate, too weak and therfore too afraid to defend those rights and the employers, and corrupt agencies like it that way.
And my story is currently a great example:
Now, my life has never been easy since I have been classified as a Mental ill person, by racists people, who cannot stand an intelligent foreign person abilities to think and speak his mind.
It all started of me complaining all the times about 100% sure of what I beleived happned.
My complaint was that:
The government using people to spy on people, follow them in the street, and that was the result of me going to see a psych because I was been followed and watched by people, then that turned out to be a bad turned to worst and then good to me.
They held me against my will, then forced me to stay in Hospital, forced me to take pills I said I didn't want. Then labeled me " SCHIZOPHRENIC".
I tried to go everywhere and called legal places, no one could help.
Then I went to apply to social Security because I wanted my story to be known, the injustice they had done to me, instead to went on quick putting me on SSD. Though I hate the name Disability, but I enjoyed the payment even though it is small because it's more to me then work in hostile environment with people chasing after me for my intelligent.
I have never stated to social security I am sick. Because I belived what they doctors done to me, was wrong to force me to believed I am having some psycho issue because I was defending myself against intruders spied and followed me all over the places, especially when I am going to work, at workplace and leaving my work place.
One day someone open our apartment though with a key and left, and landlord said she did not know who was that and did not send any maintenance. Still doctors found a reason to label me Schizo.
No f*ucking justice, no Peace!
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